Kebony Fastenator™ Hidden Fasteners - Homestead Timbers

Hidden fastener clips are a great way to secure your deck without screwing into the board’s face. Our Kebony Deck Board is compatible with the Fastenator™ Hidden Fastening system by DuraLife®


  • Automatic deck board spacing
  • Works great for diagonal and herringbone deck patterns
  • Ideal for resurfacing and/or out of square framing
  • Stainless steel screws are pre-loaded in clip for quick and easy fastening

Please note that our online pricing is subject to change without prior notice due to market fluctuations and other factors beyond our control. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of all prices displayed.

Hidden fastener clips are a great way to secure your deck without screwing into the board’s face. Our Kebony Deck Board is compatible with the Fastenator™ Hidden Fastening system by DuraLife®


  • Automatic deck board spacing
  • Works great for diagonal and herringbone deck patterns
  • Ideal for resurfacing and/or out of square framing
  • Stainless steel screws are pre-loaded in clip for quick and easy fastening

Please note that our online pricing is subject to change without prior notice due to market fluctuations and other factors beyond our control. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of all prices displayed.

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