Kebony Wood | Sustainable Alternative to Ipe | Homestead Timbers - Homestead Timbers

Kebony Wood

Kebony Wood Decking Logo

What is Kebony?

Simply put, Kebony is the sustainable alternative to Ipe and other tropical hardwoods. With a revolutionary organic modification of wood, Kebony has created an aesthetic, strong, and durable solution with performance comparable to tropical hardwood species. Unlike tropical hardwood decking and cladding, Kebony is 100% environmentally friendly and from sustainably managed forests.

Kebony starts with the selection of the highest grade of sustainably harvested wood species. Then, through a process named Kebonization, the wood is impregnated with a biobased fluid changing the woods cell walls resulting in greatly improved durability and dimensional stability. Containing no harmful compounds so you don't need to worry about it leeching into the surrounding soil or water.

The final step is heating the material to cure the fluid and wood together at the molecular level completing the process which reduces shrinking and swelling by nearly 50% while increasing the density making it harder than untreated wood. The end product is a beautiful alternative to the traditional tropical hardwood decking you often see around pools, docks, and other landscaping features. Kebony, left untreated, will age into a beautiful silver patina, shown below.


Simply put, Kebony is the sustainable alternative to Ipe and other tropical hardwoods. With a revolutionary organic modification of wood, Kebony has created an aesthetic, strong, and durable solution with performance comparable to tropical hardwood species. Unlike tropical hardwood decking and cladding, Kebony is 100% environmentally friendly and from sustainably managed forests.

Kebony offers you:

  • • Maintenance free life cycle
  • • 30 Year Warranty
  • • Dimensional Stability
  • • High Compression Strength
  • • Strong Resistances against decay, fungi, insects and other microorganisms
  • • Non-Toxic
  • • High Durability
  • • Cost Effective
  • • Lasts three times as long as typical pressure treated lumber
  • • LEED points for your project

Possible Uses for Kebony:

  • • Marine Applications
  • • Residential, Public and Commercial Building Exteriors
  • • Roofs
  • • Walls
  • • Cladding
  • • Deck / dock, public space planking
  • • Outdoor furniture

Honest product comparisons to thermally modified wood and Ipe?

Kebony vs Thermally Modified Wood

Want to compare Kebony to Thermally Modified Wood? The PDF below breaks down the modification process, durability, maintenance, environmental impact, and value. We are confident you will see the benefits of Kebony over other options.

Kebony vs Ipe

Interested in seeing how Kebony stacks up against Ipe? The PDF below breaks down durability, appearance, maintenance, environmental impact, and value. If you have any questions do not hesitate to get in touch with one of our friendly sales members.

Kebony is also available as cladding and millwork

Kebony has launched a new cladding and rainscreen product. This new offering is Grad for Kebony, a long-lasting cladding and rainscreen rail system that offers lightning-fast and precise installation. This not only makes the project go smoother but will also cut down on install time and labor costs.

Benefits of this system include:

Saving up to 50% installation time with fewer people

Installation is easy, simple, and fast

100% hidden fastener solution

Boards are straight and gaps are even in a snap

Creates perfect rainscreen systems that allow constant air flow

Check out the video to learn more and see the insall process!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Ipe wood sustainable?

While Ipe is a long lasting wood, it is not sustainable. Like most tropical hardwoods, the harvesting is often problematic and predatory. Illegal logging of Ipe is causing imense damage to the Amazon. Check out this press release by Greenpeace. Kebony is a perfect replacement for the use of Ipe.

What is Kebony?

Kebony is a sustainable product that is competitive in performance and beauty to tropical hardwoods. Since Kebony has many of the characteristics of tropical hardwoods it can be used as decking, cladding, docks, furniture, and more!

How long does Kebony last?

You should plan on Kebony lasting 50-75 years depending on the application. With this performance, Kebony offers a 30-year warranty against rot so you can rest easy knowing you have a long lasting and sustainable wood deck or siding.

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