Homestead Timbers Articles - Homestead Timbers

Living in a Log Home: Pros and Cons Introduction Log homes are a special kind of home that are built with logs as the main building material. Many log homes are a family cottage but they can also be quite sophisticated and luxurious. Log homes have been popular for centuries in many...

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What to consider when buying or building a log home? When you are looking to buy a log home, there are some things that you need to take into consideration. The cost of the home is one factor, as well as the location. You will also want to think about...

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Log Home Maintenance Must Know Information Log Home Gutters, Overhangs, and their Significance  Proper design of a log home will save you so much in the long run. Gutters are an essential component of property maintenance, particularly on log homes where wood, regardless of species, is susceptible to rot and...

By Homestead Timbers Read more
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